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{{ ---------BEGIN ADD-ON SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}

{% assign: FAQ_Template_Type = 'Expandable' %} {{ Options: 'Expandable' or 'Anchor Links' }}
{% assign: Number_of_Questions = 10 %} {{ Options: 1 to 10 }}

{% assign: Show_Back_to_Top_Link = 'Yes' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}
{% assign: Back_to_Top_Link_Text = "Back to Top" %}

{% assign: Anchor_Link_Style = 'Bulleted' %} {{ Options: 'Bulleted' or 'Numbered' }}

{% assign: Question_Headings_Size = 18 %}
{% assign: Question_Headings_Case_Transform = 'uppercase' %} {{ Options: 'none', 'uppercase', 'lowercase', 'capitalize' }}

{% assign: Answer_Content_Size = 14 %}

{% assign: Anchor_Link_Text_Size = 14 %}

{% assign: Answer_Content_Link_Color = '#666666' %}


{% assign: Tab_Heading_Background_Color = '#eeeeee' %}
{% assign: Tab_Heading_Text_Color = '#555555' %}
{% assign: Tab_Rounded_Corners = 'No' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}
{% assign: Tab_Answers_Border = 'Yes' %} {{ Options: 'Yes' or 'No' }}


{% assign: Anchor_Link_Text_Color = '#666666' %}
{% assign: Question_Heading_Text_Color = '#000000' %}


{{ --QA SET 1 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_1_Heading = "Where can i pick up a copy?" %} {% capture Answer_1_Content %}

You can pick up any of our zines from the site under the store section, There's also a list of retailers on our contact page!

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 2 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_2_Heading = "When will my order be shipped?" %} {% capture Answer_2_Content %}

Orders placed Monday-Thursday will be processed through the week and shipped on the Friday, orders from Friday - Sunday will be processed and shipped on Mondays. We may add an extra shipping day during a release{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 3 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_3_Heading = "How do I check the status of my order?" %} {% capture Answer_3_Content %}

You will receive an order confirmation once your order has been successfully transmitted. In addition, a shipping confirmation e-mail will be sent once your order has been shipped.

Orders to the states and countries outside of Europe can take considerably longer, If its only less than a week since you ordered, please allow a little longer for it to arrive before getting in touch to complain!

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 4 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_4_Heading = "How do i submit/What colour is next?" %} {% capture Answer_4_Content %}

We have added a submissions page to make things a little more simple for future issues. Including all the dates and deadlines  Simply click here to read what requirements you need to meet and get submitting

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 5 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_5_Heading = "Did i get into the next zine?" %} {% capture Answer_5_Content %}

As nice as it would be to tell everyone individually, it's quite a complicated thing to do and ruins the whole experience of ordering a copy and waiting to see if you made it in! we should hope if you want to see your work in a zine, you'd support us enough to buy a copy without asking

{% endcapture %} {{ --QA SET 6 SETTINGS-- }} {% assign: Question_6_Heading = "How do I cancel or edit a placed order?" %} {% capture Answer_6_Content %}

To cancel an order you placed, please contact us through our contact form with the subject 'Order Cancelation' followed by your order number (ex. 'Order Cancelation (#1234)'). To edit an order you placed, please contact us through our contact form with the subject 'Order Edit' followed by your order number (ex. 'Order Edit (#1234)').

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 7 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_7_Heading = "Is my privacy and personal info secure on your site?" %} {% capture Answer_7_Content %}

All payments accepted on the site are processed by PayPal, and as such, your information is protected by SSL with an encryption key length of 128 bits (the highest level commercially available).

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 8 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_8_Heading = "What happens if the item I ordered is out of stock?" %} {% capture Answer_8_Content %}

All items are subject to availability. Generally, if an item is showing on our website then it is available to order. However, during busy periods where demand may outweigh the amount of stock we have and we may not be able to fulfil your order. If this is the case, we will let you know as soon as possible.

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 9 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_9_Heading = "How do I use discount codes in your shop?" %} {% capture Answer_9_Content %}

Upon adding products to the cart, you can enter a discount code in the input field labeled 'discount code' and then click the 'update total' or 'apply' button.

{% endcapture %}

{{ --QA SET 10 SETTINGS-- }}

{% assign: Question_10_Heading = "How do I get in contact with you for more questions?" %} {% capture Answer_10_Content %}

If you have any additional questions, feel free to send us an e-mail at [email protected] or use our contact page!

{% endcapture %}

{{ ---------END ADD-ON SETTINGS AND CONTROLS----------- }}

{{ ---------BEGIN FAQ ADD-ON HTML TEMPLATE CODE---------- }}

{% assign: thbgcl = Tab_Heading_Background_Color %}
{% assign: thtxcl = Tab_Heading_Text_Color %}
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{% assign: tabd = Tab_Answers_Border %}

{% assign: qhs = Question_Headings_Size %}
{% assign: acs = Answer_Content_Size %}
{% assign: qhctr = Question_Headings_Case_Transform %}

{% assign: faq_tt = FAQ_Template_Type %}
{% assign: NoQs = Number_of_Questions %}

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{% assign: altxs = Anchor_Link_Text_Size %}
{% assign: altc = Anchor_Link_Text_Color %}

{% assign: qhtxcl = Question_Heading_Text_Color %}
{% assign: anclkcl = Answer_Content_Link_Color %}

{% if faq_tt contains 'xpand' %}
{% if NoQs >= 1 %}
  • {{ Question_1_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_1_Content | newlines_to_br }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 2 %}
  • {{ Question_2_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_2_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 3 %}
  • {{ Question_3_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_3_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 4 %}
  • {{ Question_4_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_4_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 5 %}
  • {{ Question_5_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_5_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 6 %}
  • {{ Question_6_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_6_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 7 %}
  • {{ Question_7_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_7_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 8 %}
  • {{ Question_8_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_8_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 9 %}
  • {{ Question_9_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_9_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% if NoQs >= 10 %}
  • {{ Question_10_Heading }}

    • {{ Answer_10_Content }}

{% endif %}
{% elsif faq_tt contains 'nchor' %}
    {% capture anchor_string %}{{ Question_1_Heading }}{% endcapture %}
  • {{ Question_1_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_1_Content }}
  • {{ Question_2_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_2_Content }}
  • {{ Question_3_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_3_Content }}
  • {{ Question_4_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_4_Content }}
  • {{ Question_5_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_5_Content }}
  • {{ Question_6_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_6_Content }}
  • {{ Question_7_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_7_Content }}
  • {{ Question_8_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_8_Content }}
  • {{ Question_9_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_9_Content }}
  • {{ Question_10_Heading }}

    {{ Answer_10_Content }}
  • {% endif %}

    {% if Show_Back_to_Top_Link contains 'es' %}▲ {{ Back_to_Top_Link_Text }}{% endif %}

    {{ ---------END FAQ ADD-ON HTML TEMPLATE CODE---------- }}

    {{ ---------BEGIN FAQ ADD-ON CSS/JAVASCRIPT CODE---------- }}

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    {{ ---------END FAQ ADD-ON CSS/JAVASCRIPT CODE---------- }}